Santa Cruz & Monterey Bay RR

While this line is outside my purview of Southern California, I feel compelled to post in its defense following the recent anti-rail sentiments brewing in Santa Cruz county. Upon reading this article about how the line written by “Automotive Rights Activist” Brian Peoples, prompting me to call out his short-sighted opinion and failure to forsee the growth of his own county. In his rebuke, he knocked the railfanning community, asserting that they act in their own self-interest, as well as pulling some political tone-policing. Needless to say, this guy’s in dire need of the mass-transit equivalent of a good ol’ privilege-checking.

That exasperated rant aside, this is what’s at stake for us signal fans–Clubhouse Drive and 30th Street still have operating US&S Teardrop Bells, and Seabright Avenue still has a working MRSCO wigwag. The line also has several other crossings with working 8×20 flashers and a hodgepodge of working mechanical bells, old-school lights, and classic gate mechanisms and cantilevers. Aside from signals, it also has innumerable scenic locations and several high trestles, including this one at Capitola Beach:

Photo by Brian Bergtold

That being said, rail fans should consider it imperative to speak up about saving this branch as a rail line–not just for the interest of our hobby, but in the better interests of foresight and pragmatic urban planning.

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